Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Entah kenapa..

Saya kurang pasti kenapa, mengapa dan sebab apa saya sangat terganggu dengan pemergian Yasmin Ahmad. Ya saya memang meminati dan adore hasil2 nukilan beliau. Tapi cuma setakat itu. Saya pernah sekali dua membaca tulisan beliau tapi bukan mengikuti. Begitu juga dengan filem2 beliau. Tapi tak dapat tidak, semua iklan komersial yg beliau hasilkan menjadi iklan favourite saya. Saya masih ingat..boleh kata kesemuanya. Beliau pernah berkata "Something that the eye can't see it but the heart can feel it" dan saya percaya itu yang saya rasa bila mana menonton hasil tangan beliau.

Semoga Yasmin Ahmad ditempatkan bersama dengan orang-orang yang beriman..Al-Fatihah.

Friday, May 08, 2009

Saya telah memulakan tugasan saya di sini..di bumi kiwi ini. semoga semangat semakin kuat dari hari ke hari..walau ada waktu sedikit lelah dan semacam hilang arah..itu lumrah. pastikan melangkah terus..toleh ke belakang hanya untuk penambahbaikan bukan sesekali menghentikan langkah. pasakkan percaya yang setiap usaha disertai tawakal pada yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang insyaallah hasilnya ada.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

45th Baeksang Awards

Kim Hyun Joong has taken Lee Min Ho off competition and took home the popularity award at the 45th Baek Sang Arts Awards.

Kim Hyun Joong was awarded the the popularity award for the male artistes in the TV category. This award was decided by the votes of netizens, and both Kim Hyun Joong and Lee Min Ho who had act alongside each other in drama ‘Boys Over Flowers’ were nominated under the award.

Kim is the leader of idol group SS501 and is currently acting as one of the main characters to ongoing drama ‘Boys Over Flowers’. This award had definitely acknowledged his success debuting as an actor.

Actor Lee Min Ho and So Nyeo Shi Dae YoonA were awarded the male and female newcomer awards during the 45th Baek Sang Arts Awards ceremony on 27th February at Seoul Olympic Hall.

Lee Min Ho was awarded based on his acting as �Goo Joon Pyo in ongoing drama Boys Over Flowers while YoonA is awarded based on her performance as Sae Byeok in drama You re my destiny.

Lee Min Ho, This is my first time at an awards ceremony and it is so embarrassing that I tripped on the red carpet. I would like to thank all the staff and crew for �Boys Over Flowers. I will work harder in the future.

source: kbites

Haptic Pop

Where anything to do with BOF turns to gold, Samsung takes on Kim Hyun Joong after his F4 makeover for their Haptic POP campaign. There’s plenty reason for doing so since the new model is supposedly trying to revive the good ol’ days of swappable phone covers. The Haptic POP touchscreen handset comes with 5 different battery covers and if that’s not enough, you can choose from a limited F4 edition and 11 more designs at the shops. The 16 spanking battery covers come with their own customized ringtones, wallpapers and widgets.

source: sseoulbeats

p/s: hoho..wish i could have one..dear buy one for me!

Drama Becomes Real Life

In an interview Goo Hye Sun had at the hospital on the 28th, she revealed,"Thanks to Lee Min Ho I got to get to the hospital quickly to receive treatment."

"After the accident occurred, a van that looked a lot like Lee Min Ho's passed by. With my head ringing, I slightly remember thinking, 'I wish that was Min Ho's car.' As the car door opened, it turned out that it was really Min Ho, and he began to run toward us. At that time he looked like the savior of the world. Had I gotten to the hospital any later, my recovery would have been later as well. I was so thankful."

Goo Hye Sun's car collided with a dump truck that was driving ahead of them. Lee Min Ho took Goo Hye Sun all the way to the hospital, and then proceeded to go back to filming. He then attended the award ceremony with the rest of his cast. However, Lee Min Ho and his representatives kept the incident(where LMH helped GHS) quiet.

Goo Hye Sun watched the award ceremony on TV. "I was shocked when I saw Lee Min Ho fall on the red carpet. I laughed without even knowing. I thought the stitches in my mouth had come undone(laughs). Lee Min Ho and Kim Hyun Joong came to visit after the ceremony. I was very thankful. It must not have been easy to make time when they had such a busy schedule."

She expressed her happiness when she saw her two co-stars receiving the awards.

Currently, Goo Hye Sun has 3 stitches inside of her lip. The swelling was bad enough to halt production. Because of this, they will be showing a special instead of episode 17 on the 2nd. Goo Hye Sun hopes to return to filming as early as the 2nd. She is scheduled to go back to the hospital on the 5th to take out the stitches.

Goo Hye Sun's account of the accident
"It was really fortunate that it was a minor accident. It's kind of hard to talk(because of the swelling)."

"Right after the collision, I took a bandage that we keep in the car and wrapped it around my lip area after I realized I was bleeding. Thankfully, I became very awake(probably because of the adrenaline), so I was able to react very soon. I got out the the car with my coordinators(she calls them dong sengs). It was amazing how awake I was after the collision, we might as well have taken our back packs with us. They(dong sengs/coordinators that were in the car with her) laugh as they talk about what happened back then. It really is fortunate that it was only a minor accident."

source: http://kr.news.yahoo.com/service/news/shel...mp;newssetid=83
Translated by: dunlop09
Written by: 강은영기자
Shared on Soompi forums

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

gilerr addict to kkotboda namja!

Aargghh..serius addict nihh..saya dah absorb sekali dlm drama itu! Hal ini mmg pernah beberapa kali berlaku sebelum ini..dengan nodame contabile, full house, stair ways to heaven etc. (byk! x dpt nk recall semuanyerr)

Haa saya sanggup bersengkang mata utk habiskan semua episode yg didownload oleh my soulmate tersayang..ahaks..memang dasyat..saya tidur jam 5am hari sabtu lalu (haa itu mmg kerap berlaku bila saya addicted..stay up sampai ke subuh..) Haha..itu baru sampai episode 14..ini kira current gilerr laa..sbb kat korea sekarang ni still episode 15..mlm ini episode 16..fuhh dgn kata lain cerita ini still on-going kat sana. arhh terasa seperti di seoul pulak ;)

Saya ni siap dh pg kedai vcd/dvd cari kkotboda namja/boys over flowers ini. haha mana ada kat market lagi laa kakak! oo ye ke? oo x habis lg eh citer tu kat korea..oo..(kamu ni mmg kategori 'over' arr)

Saya paste some of youtube clip related to kkotboda namja! eh best arr jadi Geum Jandi..serius ni! hahhaha

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Dengan sendirinya ia menyatakannya secara jelas kecuali kita gagal ‘mendengarnya’.

Sebahagian isi diambil daripada ucapan Hafez A.B Mohamed, Pengarah Umum Al-Baraka Bank, Afrika Selatan.


Populasi Yahudi Di Seluruh Dunia
• 7 juta di Amerika
• 5 juta di Asia
• 2 juta di eropah
• 0.1 juta di Afrika
Keseluruhan = 14.1 juta

Populasi Muslim Di Seluruh Dunia
• 1,000 juta di Asia
• 400 juta di Afrika
• 44 juta di Eropah
• 6 juta di Amerika
Keseluruhan = 1,500 juta

• Setiap 5 populasi manusia di muka bumi bermakna terdapat seorang Muslim (20%)
• Setiap orang Hindu Terdapat dua Muslim (1:2)
• Setiap orang Buddha Terdapat dua Muslim (1:2)
• Setiap orang Yahudi Terdapat 107 Muslim (1:107)
• 14 Juta Yahudi lebih berkuasa daripada keseluruhan 1,500 juta Muslim.
Berikut adalah beberapa sebab

Sejarah Pendatang Yahudi
• Albert Einstein - Yahudi
• Sigmund Freud - Yahudi
• Karl Marx - Yahudi
• Paul Samuelson - Yahudi
• Milton Friedman - Yahudi

Penemuan Perubatan
• Vaccinating Needle - Benjamin Ruben - Yahudi
• Polio Vaccine - Jonas Salk - Yahudi
• Leukaemeia Drug - Gertrude elion - Yahudi
• Hepatitis B - Baruch Blumberg - Yahudi
• Syphilis Drug - Paul Ehrlich - Yahudi
• Neuro Muscular - Elie Metchnikoff - Yahudi
• Endocrinology - Andrew Schally - Yahudi
• Cognitive Therapy - Aaron Beck - Yahudi
• Contraceptive Pill - Gregory Pincus - Yahudi
• Understanding Of Human eye - G. Wald - Yahudi
• Embryology - Stanley Cohen - Yahudi
• Kidney Dialysis - Wilem Kloffcame - Yahudi

Pemenang Hadiah Nobel
Sejak 105 tahun lepas, 14 juta Yahudi telah memenangi 180 hadiah Nobel manakala 1,500 juta Muslim hanya menang 3 Anugerah Nobel yang kesemuanya warga Mesir.

Inovasi Yang Mengubah Sejarah
• Micro-Processing Chip - Stanley Mezor - Yahudi
• Nuclear Chain Reactor - Leo Sziland - Yahudi
• Optical Fibre Cable - Peter Schultz - Yahudi
• Traffic Lights - Charles Adler - Yahudi
• Stainless Steel - Benno Strauss - Yahudi
• Sound Movies - Isador Kisee - Yahudi
• Telephone Microphone - Emile Berliner - Yahudi
• Video Tape Recorder - Charles Ginsburg - Yahudi

Bisnes Global Berpengaruh
• Polo - Ralph Lauren - Yahudi
• Coca Cola - Yahudi
• Levi’s Jeans - Levi Strauss - Yahudi
• Starbuck’s - Howard Schultz - Yahudi
• Google - Sergey Brin - Yahudi
• Dell Computers - Michael Dell - Yahudi
• Oracle - Larry Ellison - Yahudi
• DKNY - Donna Karan - Yahudi
• Baskin & Robbins - Irv Robbins - Yahudi
• Dunkin Donuts - Bill Rosenberg - Yahudi

Ahli Politik / Intelek Berpengaruh
• Henry Kissinger -US Sec of State - Yahudi
• Richard Levin - President Of Yale University - Yahudi
• Alan Greenspan - US Federal Reserve - Yahudi
• Joseph Lieberman - - Yahudi
• Madeline Albright -US Sec Of State - Yahudi
• Casper Weinberger - US Sec of Defense - Yahudi
• Maxim Litvinov - USSR Foreign Minister - Yahudi
• David Marshal - Singapore Chief Minister - Yahudi
• Isaacs Isaacs - Gov-gen Australia - Yahudi
• Benjamin Disraeli - British Stateman - Yahudi
• Yevgeny Primakov - Russian PM - Yahudi
• Barry Goldwater - US Politician - Yahudi
• Jorge Sampaio - Portugal President - Yahudi
• Herb Gray - Canadian Deputy PM - Yahudi
• Pierre Mendes - French PM - Yahudi
• Michael Howard - British Home Sec. - Yahudi
• Bruno Kriesky - Austrian Chancellor - Yahudi
• Robert Rubin - US Sec of Treasury - Yahudi

Media Global Berpengaruh
• Wolf Blitzer - CNN - Yahudi
• Barbara Walters - ABC News - Yahudi
• Eugene Meyer - Washington Post - Yahudi
• Henry Grunwald - Time Magazine - Yahudi
• Katherine Graham - Washington Post - Yahudi
• Joseph Lelyeld - New York Times - Yahudi
• Max Frankel - New York Times - Yahudi

Philanthropists Global
• George Soros - Yahudi
• Walter Annenberg - Yahudi

Mengapa Mereka Sangat Berkuasa?

Jadi mengapa Muslim tidak berkuasa? Di sini ada beberapa sebab. Kita sudah ketinggalan dari segi kapasiti menghasilkan ilmu.

• Di seluruh Negara Islam (57 Negara) terdapat hanya lebih kurang 500 Universiti.
• Di US sahaja terdapat 5,758 Universiti.
• Di India sahaja terdapat 8,407 Universiti.
• Hanya ada beberapa Universiti dari Negara Islam yang mendapat Ranking 500 Universiti Terbaik Dunia.
• Literasi di Negara Kristian - 90%
• Literasi di Negara Islam - 40%
• 15 negara Majoriti Kristian mencatatkan Literasi 100%
• Tiada Negara Majoriti Muslim mencatatkan Literasi 100%
• 98% di Negara Majoriti Kristian berjaya melengkapkan pengajian di Sekolah Rendah.
• Hanya 50% di Negara Islam berjaya melengkapkan pengajian di Sekolah Rendah.
• 40% di Negara Majoriti Kristian Mendapat pendidikan Universiti.
• Di kalangan Muslim terdapat 230 Saintis per sejuta Muslim.
• Di US terdapat 5000 Saintis per Sejuta.
• Di Dunia Kristian terdapat 1000 Juruteknik per sejuta.
• Di seluruh Arab Hanya Terdapat 50 Juruteknik per sejuta.
• Negara Islam membelanjakan 0.2% untuk penyelidikan dan pembangunan daripada Keluaran Negara Kasar.
• Negara Kristian Membelanjakan 5% daripada Keluaran Negara Kasar untuk Penyelidikan dan Pembangunan.

Kesimpulan 1
Muslim kekurangan kapasiti untuk menjana ilmu pengetahuan. Jalan lain untuk menguji darjah pengetahuan ialah darjah menyebarkan pengetahuan.
• Pakistan Mempunyai 23 pembaca Akhbar Harian per 1,000 rakyatnya
• Singapore mempunyai 460 pembaca Akhbar Harian per 1,000 rakyatnya
• Di UK 2,000 tajuk buku per sejuta
• Di Mesir Hanya 17 tajuk buku per sejuta.

Kesimpulan 2
• Muslim gagal menyebarkan ilmu pengetahuan.
• Mengaplikasikan ilmu pengetahuan merupakan satu lagi Ujian
• Eksport produk berteknologi tinggi dari Pakistan ialah hanya 0.9% daripada keseluruhan eksport dan Arab Saudi 0.2% manakala Kuwait, Maghribi dan Algeria 0.3% sedangkan Singapore sahaja 68%.

Kesimpulan 3
• Muslim gagal mengaolikasikan ilmu pengetahuan.
• Apa Yang Perlu Disimpulakan?
• Tidak perlu dinyatakan kerana statistik dan Fakta di atas dengan jelas menyatakannya kecuali kita gagal mendengarnya.

Nasihat Saya
Sama-samalah memberi pendidikan kepada diri sendiri rakan, saudara jauh dan dekat serta anak-anak dan menggalakkan pendidikan. jangan berkompromi dalam soal ini dan jangan biarkan anak anda daripada tidak mendapat bimbingan dan galakan dalam pendidikan (dan tolong jangan gunakan kabel (networking), rakan untuk menaikkan anak anda dalam pendidikan demi kebaikan anak anda. Jika mereka gagal biarkan mereka belajar bagaimana untuk lulus. Jika mereka gagal lakukan sekarang, mereka akan dapat lakukannya nanti)

Kita adalah Populasi terbesar dunia dan terkuat dan apa yang perlu kita lakukan ialah mengenalpasti dan menerokai kekuatan kita. Kejayaan kita adalah ilmu Pengetahuan kita, kreativii kita, literasi kita dan tiada yang lain.

Tolonglah Wahai Muslim. Bangunlah… Masih tidak terlalu lambat.

Kerana Membudayakan Ilmulah Kaum Yahudi berjaya menakluki dunia. Sayangnya kita kini termasuk diri saya sendiri amat leka terhadap hiburan dan lain-lain hingga Yahudi bermaharajalela di dunia ini. Krisis Gaza menyaksikan sehingga kini lebih 1,200 rakyat Palestin dibunuh.
Marilah kita sama-sama membudayakan ilmu sesuai dengan Ayat Pertama Al-Quran, “Iqra’” yakni bacalah yang memberi interprestasi kepada pembudayaan ilmu. Ilmu Suluh Kehidupan!

p/s:Saya terima email ini daripada seorang sahabat..Terima kasih Nani!

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Salam Maal Hijrah 1430H dan Selamat Tahun Baru 2009

Dapatkan Mesej Bergambar di Sini

Resolusi khusus untuk blog ini: Saya akan pastikan Jutchphiles akan diupdate at least 2 bulan sekali. ye saya cuba!