Tuesday, October 04, 2005

...AHL?quorum sensing?

slept at almost 2.30am.woke up at 6.30am.just 4h sleep.but seem ok rather than oversleep. i just feel gud this morning.hehe ada sikit nervous laa..AHL?quorum sensing?haaa :] wat i'm gonna elaborate on that.i'll try.i told myself this morning.a simple motivate to myself but its work.hmm i took bout half an hr to prensent it.haa legaaa..tapi mak oii.banyaknyerr soalan. tapi alhamdulillah i can answer all.most of the answer i totally confident but some..hehe ada yang saya goreng jerr.bukan tak tau langsung laa kan,cuma not the very sure.overall im hepi wif my own presentation.can be consider as gud i guess.masuk lif tekan sendiri nampak..ye laa kalau tak tekan sendiri nak suruh sapa pulak tekan ;) i bet i shud get A for this course tapi saya cuma berstatus audit untuk class ini :[ watever it is..fuhh bestnyerr sbb i've prepared for it less than 24h.but the outcome walla!againt saya amat bersyukur.wat a quorum sensing day!!